Our Mission
The First Ladies mission is to train and equip girls around the world to be positive global change agents; and to dominate in the ten strategic cultures of the nations of the world with strength and dignity.
Established in 2009, First Ladies is a 21-week faith, family, school and community based after school program customized for middle and high school girls.
First Ladies is purpose driven. We are not a club or a type of college sorority, but instead, First Ladies is a village committed to our community’s daughters.
First Ladies is a safe space for girls seeking to know who they are while they are also trusting the process of mentorship, sisterhood and leadership.
The vision of our Founder is that no student is turned away because of financial hardship. As long as a young lady is committed to the 21-week program, she is always welcomed.
Our Vision
- To positively change today’s culture.
- To build and elevate every girl’s self-esteem so that she can believe in herself, think for herself, speak/show up for herself and advocate for other sisters while aiming for her highest potential.
- To be a creative, innovative, and safe space for middle and high school girls.
- To be an incubator for purpose, entrepreneurship, and cultural identity.
- To introduce and connect our female youth with successful women who are “First Ladies” breaking glass barriers within their respective professional and personal areas of influence.
- To be a resource of support to families, the local school system, and the community as we collaboratively invest in the lives of girls or first-generation college-bound girls seeking to navigate through high school and college readiness.
- To be a pipeline that equips scholars to improve their school climate; and positions them to be chosen for high achieving leadership pathways (I.e., District-Wide Work-Based Learning, Peer Leadership, School Councils, SGA, S.T.E.A.M and Teen Leadership).
- To be a local girl's program with a global reach.
- To be: First to love. First to honor. First to serve. First to Lead.
What to Expect
As a Parent, Guardian and/or Family Representative, I Can Expect:
A Parent Orientation Meeting (held in August)
A positive space
One (1) year commitment
Engagement and involvement
Respect and honoring of time
A New Parent Interest & Informational Meeting (held in August)
Regular family check-ins/quarterly meet-ups
Monthly "Make A Change" Service Leadership Saturdays
Cultural awareness, celebration and exposure
Annual dues that partially fund monthly birthday celebrations and college scholarships for 12th grade girls that are active in First Ladies for at least 3-years
For Your Daughter, Granddaughter, Goddaughter, Niece, Young Lady, We Can Expect:
Professional development
A positive space
One (1) year commitment (90% attendance)
Annual age-appropriate book study for middle and high schoolers
Mentoring by female entrepreneurs, community leaders, professionals and educators who have committed to a minimum of 1-year with our grades 6-12 youth
Monthly "Make A Change" Service Leadership Saturdays
Progressive mentor leadership development that typically blossoms after 3-years of consistent engagement
Community service hours that can be applied towards high-school standards and college applications
Mentors who have been fingerprinted and have completed background checks (click here for more information)